Burger Flippers Pharmaceutical Shelf Stockers Bar Back Paid Piano Player
Open up the concrete rib cage. Blow out the diablo sauce out of the glory holes.
Its cold outside finally and the steps don't glow no more.
I'm a free pumpkin and nobody wants me.
Bathing in the deep end of frozen cum then microwaving it and putting it in syringes and shoving it up my ass.
Fuck Cajun fries. Don't read any books. Fuck free parking. Fuck Satans big ass dick. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] eat grilled corn.
Bryan Danielson won the AEW World Heavyweight Title today.
Lifeless body covered in newly cut grass, just as beautiful as Elizabeth Short. =====
V I R G I N I A. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
latex surplus duplex suplex.
Blue Balls. Cummy Balls. Nasty Escapes.
Mint. Cilantro. Mothballs.
A Bud Light flag in an open garage.
A silver faced/gold haired Trump finger ring bought at a big handed man and stuttering woman who refuses to use Facebook - s ||||||| shitty fucking "Thrift Shop." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~spitfuck.
Got a Gummer & a litty stick
Eating Pho on a Sunday weak as a bitch.
Climb the ladder of success and then take a hot shit. On a one horse open sleigh.
Ima Phillips head & you are a Flat Head.
I wish I knew a girl with curly black hair, who was obsessed with horror movies and loved a black/pink & green Pogo Stick.
I hate the fucking South.
I want the cold cobblestone roads back and a bootlegged Chipotle restaurant.
(Aka much much much much better)
Ketamine harmonicas. Microwaved Cocaine. Snoring. Magic wands.
Stick Talk. Ska kitchen henchman moonshine ruckus.
A thick deep scar on the back of the thigh.
Call me by my shadow ban.